Todd Matthews BA RHN NNCP CSCS

Todd is a former national level masters (40-49) strength athlete in the 74 kg class winning gold in powerlifting at the 2018 CPU Central Canadian Championships (Quebec/Ontario) and bronze in bench press at the 2019 CPU National Championships.
Todd is a former 100% Raw Powerlifting Federation
All-Canadian record holder in the squat, bench press, deadlift and powerlifting total in the Masters (40-44 age category)
75 kg weight class.
Cell: 416-505-5318
With over 20 years experience, Todd Matthews is dedicated to the field of health and human performance. He trains a diverse spectrum of clients - from high level athletes to once sedentary individuals. His specialty is getting ordinary people into extraordinary shape through exercise and nutrition.
His experience combined with an extensive educational background make Todd Matthews an expert in his field. He holds a degree from Ryerson University, a diploma in Natural Nutrition and is an NSCA Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist, As a Registered Holistic Nutritionist, Todd works with his clients to achieve healthy weight loss and increased athletic performance.

CSNN - RHN (Registered Holistic Nutritionist)
CSNN - Sports Nutrition Certificate
NSCA - CSCS (Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist)
Former A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
Experience and Expertise:
Author of Get Lean and Healthy©
Former sports nutrition instructor at The Canadian School of Natural Nutrition
Fitness expert for: The Toronto Star, Breakfast Television, Associated Press and Canadian Press, Best Health magazine
Experience in helping clients with many health conditions such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, lower back and rotator cuff problems
An expert on the use of dietary supplements
Comprehensive fitness evaluation and body fat testing
Consultations on equipment investment for individuals creating a personal home gym
Improve function and prevent injury by rebalancing muscular imbalances
Dynamic and creative exercise selection and development to make the training effective and fun

"Get Lean and Healthy changed my lifestyle and my life! I lost 35 pounds over 4 months (and kept it off) and, since training with Todd, I've dramatically increased my strength and energy level. This year my Doctor was overwhelmed with the improvement in my overall wellness. Thanks Todd."
- Jim McAlpine, Aurora, ON
"I lost 33 pounds in seven weeks on Todd’s program - 60 pounds in total."
- Martin Little, Toronto
"Before I started working with Todd, I had never participated in sports or used weights or exercise equipment. Now, losing weight has become secondary to having a strong and toned body. I am much better shape at 35 than I was at 21. Thanks Todd!”
- Vanessa L, Toronto
"I lost 7.2 pounds the first week and almost 20 pounds in the first month. I am currently down 32 pounds and I feel fantastic."
- Paul Duckett, King City, ON
"Personal trainer Todd Matthews is well respected and always in demand." Toronto Life
"Deciding to work with trainer Todd Matthews has been the most important decision I have made for my health in many years. Todd’s programs and patient, methodical practices have helped me to become stronger, more flexible, have more energy, and generally feel better about myself. Todd is completely and professionally focused on you during a one-hour session. He will help you reach performance levels you never imagined you could. I feel I'm in the best shape of my entire life. “
- Doug Cowan, Toronto
"Todd's Get Lean and Healthy program is an easy to follow guide to an unbelievable body. I'd recommend it to anyone looking to make great aesthetic and performance gains."
- Brad Thorpe, RTSM, MATS, FLMS, Founder of Striation 6 Fitness
"I lost 180 pounds on Todd's Program and I have kept it off for 2 years! Thanks Todd."
- Todd Mossey, Richmond Hill, ON