Get Lean and Healthy 2.0
Get Lean and Healthy 2.0 is a complete healthy weight loss system. Thousands of people lost unwanted body-fat and improved health with our original system. Now Get Lean and Healthy 2.0 is here; updated and even better! Improvements from the best of nutritional science and our experience coaching clients for decades. GLH 2.0 contains new ideas to keep you motivated, options for athletes, options to tailor the program to your specific preferences and over 30 recipes.
You deserve a lean, healthy and athletic body. Get started on the nutrition program that will get you there!
When you buy Get Lean and Healthy you're going to learn:
1. Twenty nutrition habits to make you feel healthy and energized.
2. Surprising information about the 3 very best forms of exercise to get and stay lean.
3. Research about the best weight loss supplements.
4. Cutting edge information on improving your sleep.
5. Tips to avoid gas and bloating and promote healthy digestion.
6. A system for effortless weight maintenance after you get to your goal.
7. The best nutrition and supplements for athletes and human performance.
8. Learn about micronutrients essential for optimal health such as vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.
9. Information about the very best sources of protein, fat and carbohydrate.
10. Over 30 delicious recipes!

Martin Before GLH Martin After GLH
Order a copy today by clicking the link below
...or if you want to learn more, please read this excerpt direct from the PREFACE of Get Lean and Healthy 2.0:
A note from Todd:
More than anything, I want you to succeed. You CAN have the lean, healthy and athletic body you deserve. Get Lean and Healthy 2.0 will get you there.
This system is based on the original Get Lean and Healthy book that helped thousands lose unwanted body fat and keep it off. I self-published the original Get Lean and Healthy in 2006. (It was subsequently published with an ISBN number in 2009, although the contents were unchanged.) The first edition of Get Lean and Healthy (GLH1) was the culmination of the best ideas from scientific research at the time, as well as my own experience from almost a decade of helping people lose weight and improve their fitness.
I developed the original book because there were no weight loss and nutrition books complete enough to recommend to clients. There were effective fat loss systems and effective healthy eating books but nothing combining the best of both. What I created with the first version of GLH helped readers achieve a lean, fit, healthy, and athletic body.
For Get Lean and Healthy 2.0 (GLH2) I am bringing along my co-author (and my better half) Elizabeth Matthews. Elizabeth is a CanFitPro Personal Trainer, Registered Holistic Nutritionist, and CANNP Natural Nutrition Clinical Practitioner. With more than 10 years of fitness and nutrition coaching experience, Elizabeth is truly an expert in the field.
GLH1 helped many of our clients lose weight and get into the best shape of their lives (one even lost a whopping 181 pounds), but nutritional science evolves. Although about 90% of GLH2 is congruent with the original, we’ve done more research and improved our tried-and-true system. It’s time to upgrade Get Lean and Healthy; it’s time for Get Lean and Healthy 2.0!
I’m excited to share how this improved version can help you reach your goals. Let’s get started!
A note from Elizabeth:
Let me introduce myself first as I’m the newbie contributor to this book. I became a personal trainer in 2011 to help improve the health and fitness of my clients. When I combined that experience with my holistic nutrition certification in 2014, I knew these skills could help many people beyond the clients I see in our studio.
My goal is to make this information as straightforward and accessible as possible. Time and time again, friends, family, clients, and strangers ask us how to get into the best shape of their life. Everyone is so confused by the massive amount of information available on nutrition these days that they have no idea where to start. They get overwhelmed and decide they just won’t bother. The fitness industry loves to keep you guessing, because guess what? If the program isn’t maintainable or effective for the long term, they get to have you back as a repeat customer. With GLH2, our job is to put an end to this cycle.
In addition to this goal, I aim to help everyone maintain a healthy and positive mindset during these lifestyle changes. For too long we’ve been shamed and lambasted about our bodies. What we see online or in magazines is not real life. I can finally feel a shift happening that is allowing us to accept ourselves and see our beauty exactly as we are.
Of course, there are many reasons to lose weight and get healthy beyond physical appearance. Maybe you’d like to have more energy to keep up with your kids or grandkids; maybe you have joint issues; maybe you have an exercise goal; maybe you’re doing it for health reasons; maybe you’re modelling a healthy lifestyle for your family; maybe you just want to FEEL better. I encourage you to get real with yourself and write down every single reason you have to start this journey right now. Once you’re clear on your reasons, you are far more likely to achieve your goals.
And don’t worry, we’re about to give you all the information and tools you need to be successful. Step one is deciding you CAN do it and you are fully committed. Let’s get you started on your journey to becoming leaner and healthier — you’ve got this!
Get Started today!
GLH 2.0 ebook
GLH 2.0 paperback book
GLH 2.0 hardcover book
Get Lean and Healthy 2.0 is sold on Amazon.
The ebook is a Kindle Ebook and can be read on your phone or tablet using the free Kindle Reader App.
Bundle your paperback book with something else ($35 total) or buy two paperbacks to get free shipping! (You can give one to a friend.)
The paperback book is printed in Canada and the shipping very fast.
The hardcover book is printed in the USA and takes about 3 weeks to arrive.
If you see us in-studio, or can do an Aurora pick-up, grab copy directly from us at $20 - we pay the tax.